Pooran Shiksha Kendra is a social organization committed to eradicate the darkness of illiteracy and health hazards that surrounds the slums of India. It spreads the light of knowledge and wisdom and aims at making the life better for the children of lesser world though medical and health care.
Pooran Shiksha Kendra is a serious effort that started few years back with great zeal and determination to benefit those first, who are in its vicinity and then gradually strengthen the efforts to benefit the masses.
Ever since its foundation day (14 Jan 2008) Pooran Shiksha Kendra is growing in terms of its infrastructure, resources, efforts and its beneficiaries. In spite of all odds, enthusiasm continues to grow among children and their strength at the centre is increasing day by day. We have high hopes that this earth will be a better place to live, one day.
As of today, our efforts may not be visible from distance but a closer look reveals that a significant change has been brought in the lives of those who are part of it. Our children are now more educated, more aware of their surrounding and a getting prepared to lead a more healthy and meaningful life. Click here to know more.