- Common Diseases in India. Kumar Sandeep. Young Biologist 1971; 3:8-17
- Gastrointestinal manifestations of stress. Kumar Sandeep, Bahl VK. J Clin Soc. Allahabad. 1978; 15
- Lymphocyte functions in cancer. Kumar Sandeep, Shukla HS. J Clin Soc Allahabad. 1979; 16
- Burst abdomen and suture material: a comparison of abdominal wound closure with monofilament nylon and chromic catgut. Shukla HS, Kumar Sandeep, Misra MC, Naithani YP. Ind J Surg 1981,43:487 91 Impact Factor :
- An investigation of cellular immune profile and T cell blocking factors in solid tumors. Kumar Sandeep Thesis for MS (General Surgery), University of Allahabad 1980
- An Investigation of delay in treatment of breast cancer. Shukla HS, Kumar Sandeep, Avasthi K, Naithani YP. Ind J Med Res 1981; 73:815 18. (Reviewed by Intercom National Cancer Institute Breast Task Force 1982; 11: 22) Impact Factor : 2.061
- Serum immunoglobulin in carcinomas of various organs. Gupta SC, Singh PA, Shukla HS, Sinha SN, Mehrotra TN, Kumar Sandeep. Ind J Cancer 1981; 18:277 81 (Reviewed by ICRDB Cancergram, Organ site carcinogenesis, May 1982) Impact Factor : 1.13
- Investigation of lymphocyte function and serum E Rosette blocking factor in solid tumors in relation to clinical stage and treatment. Kumar Sandeep, Shukla HS, Gupta SC, Naithani YP. Ind J Cancer Chemotherapy 1981; 3: 25 33
- A comparison of CVP and short term VCD regime in cases of Non Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Srivastava A, Naithani YP, Kumar Sandeep, Mital DK. Ind J Cancer Chemotherapy 1981; 3: 65 70
- Adeno-carcinoma of prostate involving the rectum. Kesarvani RC, Agarwal GR, Kumar Sandeep. Ind J Surg 1982; 44:371 74 Impact Factor : .092
- Urethral Myiasis. Gupta SC, Kumar Sandeep, Srivastava A. Trop Geogr Med 1983; 35: 73 74 Citations : 6
- Tumors of the Salivary Glands A retrospective study of 93 cases and review of the literature. Kesarvani RC, Kumar Sandeep. Ind J Surg 1983 Impact Factor : .092
- Lymphangioma of the inguino scrotal region. Kesarvani RC, Kumar Sandeep, Mitra D. Ind J Surg 1983 Impact Factor : .092
- Prognostic import of T cells and E receptor inhibitory substance in serum of breast cancer patients. Shukla HS, Kumar Sandeep, Vaidya MP, Shukla HS. Eds. A Text Book of Breast Cancer, Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd. New Delhi. 1983; 48:326 31
- Secretory response of prolactin and TSH in benign breast disease before and after TRH stimulation. Kumar Sandeep, Mansel RE, Hughes LE. Br J Surg (abstract) 1983; 70: 293 Impact Factor : 4.839
- Natural history of breast pain. Wisbey JR, Kumar Sandeep, Mansel RE, Preece PE, Pye JK, Hughes LE. Lancet 1983; ii: 672 74 Impact Factor : 36.427 Citations : 54
- Prolactin response to Thyrotropin Releasing Hormone stimulation and dopaminergic inhibition in benign breast disease. Kumar Sandeep, Mansel RE, Hughes LE, Woodhead JS, Edwards CA, Scanlon MF, Newcombe RG. Cancer 1984; 53:1311 15 Impact Factor : 5.201 Citations : 39
- Prolactin and antiemetics for adjuvant chemotherapy of breast cancer. Kumar Sandeep, Mansel RE. Br Med J 1984; 288: 760 Impact Factor : 17.215
- Altered responses of prolactin, luteinizing hormone and follicle stimulating hormone secretion to thyrotropin releasing hormone/ gonadotrophin releasing hormone stimulation in cyclical mastalgia. Kumar Sandeep, Mansel RE, Scanlon MF, Hughes LE, Edwards CA, Woodhead JS and Newcombe RG. Br J Surg 1984; 71:870 73 Impact Factor : 4.839 Citations : 28
- Prediction of response to endocrine therapy in pronounced cyclical mastalgia using dynamic tests of Prolactin release. Kumar Sandeep, Mansel RE, Hughes LE, Edwards CA and Scanlon MF. Clin Endocrinal (Oxford) 1985; 23: 699 704 Impact Factor : 3.4 Citations : 16
- Hidradenitis Suppurativa: Evidence for an endocrine abnormality. Harrison BJ, Kumar Sandeep, Read GF, Edwards CA, Scanlon MF, and Hughes LE. Br J Surg 1985; 72: 1002 1004 Impact Factor : 4.839
- Daily salivary progesterone levels in cyclical mastalgia patients and their controls. Kumar Sandeep, Mansel RE, Read GF, Truran PL, Wilson DW and Hughes LE. Br J Surg 1986; 73: 260 – 263 Impact Factor : 4.839 Citations : 9
- Presence and possible significance of immunohistochemically demonstrable prolactin in breast apocrine metaplasia. Kumar Sandeep, Mansel RE, Jasani B. Br J Cancer 1987; 55: 307 309 Impact Factor : 5.082 Citations : 8
- Reporting of fine needle aspiration cytology in the diagnosis of breast diseases. Kumar Sandeep, Sharma ID. Souvenir Ind Acad Cytologist, XV Annual Conference, Lucknow 1985; 1: 29 30
- Silastic foam elastomer for dressing open granulating wounds A Preliminary report. Kumar Sandeep, Ramakant, Bhattacharya S, Sinha KN, Dubey PC. Ind J Plastic Surg 1987; 20: 56 – 60
- Human intestinal myiasis. Tripathi AK, Das SK, Kumar Sandeep. J Ass Phys India 1988; 8: 523 524
- Highly specific sites of Prolactin binding in benign and malignant breast tissue. Agarwal PK, Tandon S, Agarwal AK, Kumar Sandeep, Ind J Exp Biol 1989; 27: 1035 1038 Impact Factor: 1.195
- Benign Breast Disorders in Nonwestern Populations: Part II Benign Breast Disorders in India. Shukla HS, Kumar Sandeep. World J Surg 1989; 13: 747 Impact Factor : 2.228 Citations : 12
- Pectoralis major myocutaneous flap for reconstruction in oral cancer. Bhattacharya S, Kumar Sandeep, Chaturvedi A. Jaiswal MSD, Misra NC. Ind J Surg 1990; 52: 478-485 Impact Factor : .092
- Reconstruction of Symphysial Region in Oral Cancer. Bhattacharya S, Kumar Sandeep, Bhatnagar SK, Chaturvedi A, Misra NC. In: Oral Oncology, vol II ed. Varma AK. Macmillan India Ltd 1991 Impact Factor : 3.278
- Immunocytochemical Detection of Prolactin Binding Sites in Fine Needle Aspiration Smears of Breast Lesions. Tandon S, Kumar Sandeep, Agrawal PK Goel A. Ind J Med Res 1993; 98:61-64 Impact Factor: 2.061
- Testing a Test. Kumar R, Misra PK, Kumar Sandeep. Ind Pediatrics 1992; 29: 667-672 Impact Factor : 1.036 Citations : 4
- Research Strategies for the Clinician. Kumar R, Kumar Sandeep. Ind Pediatrics 1993; 30: 1041 – 48 Impact Factor : 1.036
- Investigation of factors causing delay in the treatment of oral mucosal cancer. Kumar Sandeep, Agrawal SP, Gupta CK. Ind J Oral & Maxillofacial Surg 1993;8(2): 41-47
- Meta Analysis. Kumar Sandeep, Kumar R, Singh GK, J Arockiasamy, RP Misra. Nat Med J India 1993; 6; 275-78
Impact Factor : 0.911
- Mandibuar reconstruction. Gupta S, Kumar Sandeep, Agarwal SP, Pradhan R. Ind J Oral & Maxilofac Surg 1995; 10
- Clinical Predictors of Japanese encephalitis. Kumar R, Senthilselvan A, Mathur A, Misra PK, Sharma S, Singh GK, Kumar Sandeep, Arockiasamy. J Neuroepidemiology 1994; 13; 97-102 Impact Factor :2.37 Citations : 6
- Clinical Epidemiology: What, Why & How? Nath R, Ahuja RC, Kumar Sandeep. Ind J Ophthamol 1995; 14; 83-87 ). Impact Factor : 0.797Click Here For More Details
- Post mastectomy breast reconstruction. Bhattacharya S, Kumar Sandeep. Ind J Surg 1995; 57; 197- 203 Impact Factor : .092
- Risk and cause in Medical Science. Kumar R, Kumar Sandeep. Ind Pediatr 1995; 32: 1031-1035 Impact Factor : 1.036
- Sources of error in Clinical Research. Kumar R, Kumar Sandeep. Indian Pediatrics 1996; 33(12): 1029 – 32 Impact Factor : 1.036Click Here For More Details
- An Audit of Cytopathological Services in India – Questionnaire Based Cross Sectional Study. Mishra KL, Kumar Sandeep, Goel MM. Ind J Cytology 1997; 14(2): 27-31
- Absence of Helicobacter Pylori in Oral Mucosal Lesion. Singh K, Kumar Sandeep et al. JIMA 1998; 46(2): 177-178Click Here For More Details
- A Case Control Study on Tobacco Smoking and Lung Cancer. Prasad R, Tandon S, Kumar Sandeep, Pant MC, Sinha KN, Mukherji PK. Lung India 1998; 16(2): 60-64
- Surgical Audit (Editorial). Kumar Sandeep, Dhir Arun. Nat Med J Ind 2000; 13 : 113 – 114
Impact Factor : 0.911 Citations : 1Click Here For More Details
- Delay in Presentation in Oral Cancer – A Multi factor Analytical Study. Kumar Sandeep, Heller RF, Pandey Upendra, Tewari Varsha, Oanh Khuat Thi Hai. Nat Med J India 2001; 14 (1): 13 – 17 Impact Factor : 0.911Click Here For More Details
- Radical mastectomy vs breast conservative surgery in management of breast cancer. Srivastava R, Kumar Sandeep. Surgery 2003; 13 (17) : 15 – 19 Impact Factor : 3.851
- Epidemiological and TRISS analysis of Indian trauma patients at a tertiary care center. Goel A, Kumar Sandeep, Bagga MK. Nat Med J India 2004; 17 (4) : 186-189 Impact Factor : 0.911 Citations : 10
- Breast development and involution. Rai R, Kumar Sandeep, Dwivedi V. J Physiology 2004; 5 : 10 Impact Factor : 4.38
- Evaluation of Diagnostic Tests in Breast Cancer. Kumar R, Kumar Sandeep. Mammology 2004; 1 (1) : 17 – 19 Impact Factor : 2.31
- Questionnaire Designing. Rai R, Dwivedi V, Kumar R, Kumar Sandeep. Mammology 2005; 1 (2) : 22 – 26 Impact Factor : 2.31
- Letrozole for brain and scalp metastases from breast cancer—a case report. Rastogi M, Kirti S, Bhatta MLB, Srivastava PK, Srivastava M, Kumar Sandeep. The Breast 2006; 15 : 439 – 441 Impact Factor : 1.967 Citations : 6
- Tobacco Habit in Northern India. Kumar Sandeep, Heller RF, Pandey Upendra, Tewari Varsha, Oanh Khuat Thi Hai. JIMA 2006; 104 (1) : 19 – 24
- Infection as a risk factor for cancer gall bladder. Kumar Sandeep, Kumar Shailendra, Kumar Surendra, J Surg Oncol 2006; 93 : 633 – 639 Impact Factor : 2.64 Citations : 12Click Here For More Details
- Intro : Prof Hari Shankar Shukla. Kumar Sandeep, Tewari M. J Surg Oncol 2006; 93 : 601 – 603 Impact Factor : 2.644
- Detection of new amino acid marker of liver injury by proton nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. R Priyadarshi, Gupta A, Kumar Sandeep, Gowda Nagan GA, Ranjan A, Sonkar AA, Chandra A. Liver International 2006; 26 : 1 – 5
Impact Factor : 3.87Click Here For More Details
- Surgical residency programme : Training, teaching and evaluation in general surgery – A peer opinion poll in five medical colleges in northern India. Gupta Anubhav, Kumar Surender, Kumar Shailendra, Mishra MC, Kumar Sandeep. Indian J Surg 2006; 68 (6) : 311 – 316 Impact Factor : .092Click Here For More Details
- End of life care in terminally ill geriatric patients – a regional perspective. Gupta V, Kumar Sandeep, Kumar Shailendra, Kumar Surender, Shukla A. Nat Med J India 2007; 20 (2) : 74 – 77 Impact Factor : 0.91
- A study of serum ALT & AST as markers of liver injury and as a guide in the assessment of its severity and management. Ahmad A, Sonkar AA, Srivastava AR, Singh D, Kumar Sandeep. Surgery 2006; 16 (21) : 30 – 34
- Blunt abdominal injury: serum ALT estimation – a marker of liver injury and a guide to assessment of severity. Srivastava AR, Kumar Sandeep, Agarwal GG, Ranjan Priyadarshi. Injury 2007; 38 : 1069 – 74 Impact Factor : 2.174 Citations : 6Click Here For More Details
- Bilateral testicular gangrene : does it occur in Fournier’s gangrene? Gupta A, Dalela D, Shankhwar SN, Goel MM, Kumar Sandeep, Goel A, Singh V. Int Urol Nephrol 2007; 39 : 913 – 915 Impact Factor : 1.33
- A study of knowledge, attitude and practice of hospital consultants, resident doctors and private practitioners with regard to pre-hospital and emergency care in Lucknow. Kumar Sandeep, Kumar Akshay, Agarwal Arpit K, Agarwal GG, Chaudhry Sushant, Dwivedi V. Indian J Surg 2008; 70 : 14 – 18 . Impact Factor : .092Click Here For More Details
- Comparison of interrupted versus continous closure in abdominal wound repair : A meta analysis of 23 trials. Himanshu Gupta, Anurag Srivastava, Geetha R Menon, Chandra Shekhar Agarwal, Sunil Chumber, Kumar Sandeep. Asian Journal of Surgery 2008; 31 (3) : 104 – 114. Impact Factor : .543 Citations : 21Click Here For More Details
- A cross-sectional pilot study to determine the prevalence of testosterone deficiency syndrome in working population of Indian men. Apul Goel, Kumar Sandeep, SM Natu, D Dalela, RJ Sinha, S Awasthi. Ind J Urol 2009; 190 – 194.Click Here For More Details
- Mandibular reconstruction after resection of benign tumors using non-vascularised methods in a series of patients that did not undergo radiotherapy. D Mehrotra, Kumar Sandeep, Pradhan R. Oral Surgery 2009; (2) : 10 – 18. Impact Factor : 1.581Click Here For More Details
- Trauma Care – A Participant Observer Study of Trauma Centers at Delhi, Lucknow and Mumbai. Kumar Sandeep, Chaudhry Sushant, Kumar Akshay, Agarwal Arpit K, Mishra MC. Indian J Surg 2009; 71 : 133 – 141. Impact Factor : .092Click Here For More Details
- Vitamin receptor (Fox – I, Bsm – I & Taq – I) genotypes and breast cancer risks in India. Konwar R, Nayak VL, Kumar Sandeep, Tiwari S, Chattopdhyay N, Bid HK. Indian Journal of Cancer 2009 (in review process)
- Organic Anion Transporter Protein (OATP1B1) Encoded by SLCO1B1 Gene Polymorphism (388A>G) and Susceptibility in Gallstone Disease. Charulata Jindal, Kumar Sandeep, Gourdas Choudhari, Himanshu Goel, Balraj Mittal. Ind J Med Res 2009; 129 : 170 – 175 Impact Factor : 2.061 Citations : 8Click Here For More Details
- Prevalence of major single nucleotide polymorphism and haplotypes of SLCO1B1 gene in Northern Indian population. Jindal C, Kumar Sandeep, Choudhari G, Goel H, Mittal B. Ind J Pharm 2009 (accepted for publication) Impact Factor : .58
- Breast Cancer Risk Associated with Polymorphisms of IL-1RN and IL-4 Gene in Indian Women. Konwar R, Chaudhry P, Kumar Sandeep, Misra D, Chattopadhyay N, Bid HK. Oncology Research 2009; 17 : 1 – 6 Impact factor: 1.634 Citations : 8Click Here For More Details
- Endocrinological cancer and internet. Bid HK, Konwar R, Kumar Sandeep. Indian Journal of Cancer 2009; 46 (1) : 17 – 27. Impact factor: 1.13Click Here For More Details
- Visual analogue scale for assessing breast nodularity in non discrete lumpy breasts: The Lucknow Cardiff breast nodularity scale. Kumar Sandeep, Rai R, Das V, Dwivedi V, Kumar S, Agrawal GG. The Breast 2010; 19 : 238 – 242
Impact Factor : 1.967
- Oxidative stress profile in graves’ ophthalmopathy in Indian patients. Kaur A, Pandey S, Kumar Sandeep, Mehdi AA, Mishra A. Orbit. 2010 Apr 29 (2) : 97 – 101
- Human Sodium Iodide Symporter (hNIS) in Fibroadenoma Breast-an Immunohistochemical Study. Rai R, Shrivastava A, Godbole MM, Kumar Sandeep, Das V, Pal L, Dwivedi V, Agrawal A. Ind J of Exp Biol 2011; 49 (22) : 113 -117 . Impact Factor: 1.195Click Here For More Details
- Role of ethnic variations in TNF-alpha and TNF-beta polymorphisms and risk of breast cancer in India. Singh P, Francis A, Bid HK, Kumar Sandeep, Singh R, Ramalingam K, Thangaraj K, Konwar R. Breast Cancer Res Treat 2011; 126 (3): 739 – 747 Impact Factor: 4.469Click Here For More Details
- VEGF – A immunohistochemical and mRNA expression in tissues and its serum levels in potentially malignant oral lesions and oral squamous cell carcinomas. Nayak S, Goel MM, Chandra S, Bhatia V, Mehrotra D, Kumar Sandeep, Makker A, Rath SK, Agarwal SP. Oral Oncology 2012; doi 10.1016/j.oraloncology.2011.10.003 Impact Factor: 3.2Click Here For More Details
- Tobacco use in northern India : Part 1 – the detailed habit. Kumar Sandeep, Dwivedi V, Pandey U, Bala Nidhi, Vasandani S, Singh K, Chaudhry K. Journal of Oral Biology and Craniofacial Research 2011; 1: 24 – 30Click Here For More Details
- Tobacco use in northern India : Part 2 – the intention to quit. Kumar Sandeep, Dwivedi V, Vasandani S, Singh K, Pandey U, Chaudhry K, Kant R, Pant MC. (under publication)
- Randomised clinical trial comparing double cross-stitching and continuous far and near closure techniques for vertical laparotomy closure. Misra S, Kumar Sandeep, Srivastava A (in prep)
- Over expression of resistin in adipose tissue of the obese induces insulin resistance. Sadashiv, Tiwari S, Paul BN, Kumar Sandeep, Chandra A, Dhananjai S, Negi MPS. World Journal of Diabetes. 2012; July15; 3(7): 135-141.Click Here For More Details
- Resistin gene expression in visceral adipose tissue of postmenopausal women and its association with insulin resistance. Sadashiv, Tiwari S, Paul BN, Kumar Sandeep, Chandra A, Dhananjai S, Negi MPS. Womens Health (Lond Engl). 2012 Sep;8(5):521-8Click Here For More Details
- Polymorphic variations in IL-1beta, IL-6 and IL-10 genes, their circulating serum levels and breast cancer risk in Indian women. Singh P, Chaudhry P, Nayak LV, Singh R, Saini KS, Deol D, Kumar Sandeep, Bid HK, Konwar R. Cytokine 2012 (60) 122-128. Impact Factor: 2.518Click Here For More Details
- Odds ratio of risk factors for oral submucous fibrosis in a case control model. Mehrotra D, Kumar S, Agarwal GG, Asthana A, Kumar Sandeep. British Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 2012, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.bjoms.2012.08.001 Impact Factor: 2.717
- Effect of tobacco , alcohol, and smoking habits in oral precancer with histological proven epithelial dysplasia. Nayak Seema, Chandra Saumya, Mehrotra Divya, Kumar Sumit, Agarwal SP, Kumar Sandeep, Goel Madhu Mati. Journal of Oral Biology and Craniofacial Research. 2012; 2:160-163Click Here For More Details
- Anatomical vagaries in maxilla-facial region. Journal of Oral Biology and Craniofacial Research 2012; 2 (3): 143
- Adiponectin mRNA in adipose tissue and its association with metabolic risk factors in postmenopausal obese women. Sadashiv, Tiwari S, Paul BN, Kumar Sandeep, Chandra A, Dhananjai S, Negi MP. Hormones (Athens). 2013; 12(1):119-127. Impact Factor: 2.43Click Here For More Details
- A Randomised Double Blind Placebo Controlled Clinical Trial of Centchroman (Ormeloxifene) in Breast Pain and Nodularity (Benign Breast Disorder). Kumar Sandeep, Rai R, Agarwal GG, Dwivedi V, Kumar S, Das V. National Medical Journal of India 2013; 26: 69-74 Impact Factor: .626
- A Systematic Review of Current Understanding and Management of Mastalgia. Kamal Kataria, Anita Dhar, Anurag Srivastava, Kumar Sandeep, Amit Goyal. Indian J Surg 2014; 76(3):217-227 (DOI 10.1007/s12262-013-0813-8) Impact Factor: 0.092Click Here For More Details
- Presence of CD3+Tumor Infiltrating Lymphocytes is significantly associated with Good Prognosis in Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma of Breast. Rathore AS, Kumar Sandeep, Kunwar R, Srivastava AN, Makker A, Goel MM. Ind J Cancer 2013; 50:239-244 Impact Factor: 1.131Click Here For More Details
- Prognostic impact of CD3 tumor infiltrating lymphocytes in triple negative breast cancer. Rathore AS, Goel MM, Makker A, Kumar Sandeep, Srivastava AN. Indian Journal of Clinical Practice 2013; 24:376-380Click Here For More Details
- Molecular and phenotypic expression of decorin as modulator of angiogenesis in human potentially malignant oral lesions and oral squamous cell carcinomas. Nayak S, Goel MM, Bhatia V, Chandra S, Makker A, Kumar Sandeep, Agrawal SP, Mehrotra D, Rath SK. Indian J Pathol Microbiol. 2013 ;56(3):204-10. Impact factor: 0.676Click Here For More Details
- TNF-α gene expression in subcutaneous adipose tissue associated with HOMA in Asian Indian postmenopausal women. Tiwari S, Sadashiv, Paul BN, Kumar Sandeep, Chandra A, Dhananjai S, Negi MP. Hormone and Metabolic Research 2014; 46(02): 94-99. Impact Factor: 2.18
- IL-6 gene expression in adipose tissue of postmenopausal women and association with metabolic risk factors. Sadashiv, Tiwari S, Paul BN, Kumar Sandeep, Chandra A, Dhananjai S, Negi MP. Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology (Comments clarification) Impact Factor: 4.0Click Here For More Details
- Is Tumor Infiltrating Natural Killer Cell (NK-TILs) count in Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma of Breast Prognostically Significant? Rathore AS, Goel MM, Makker A, Kumar Sandeep, Srivastava AN. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention 2014. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, Volume 15, Issue 8, 2014 – 3757-3761Click Here For More Details
- CD3+, CD4+ and CD8+Tumor infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs) are predictors of favorable survival outcome in infiltrating ductal carcinoma of breast. Rathore AS, Kumar Sandeep, Kunwar R, Srivastava AN, Makker A, Goel MM. IJMR 2014 (accepted) Impact Factor: 2.061Click Here For More Details
- Chemotherapeutic potential of 2-[piperidinoethoxyphenyl]-3-phenyl-2H-benzo(b)pyran in estrogen receptor- negative breast cancer cells: action via prevention of EGFR activation and combined inhibition of PI-3-K/Akt/FOXO and MEK/Erk/AP-1 pathways. Saxena R, Chandra V, Manohar M, Hajela K, Debnath U, Prabhakar YS, Saini KS, Konwar R, Kumar Sandeep, Megu K, Roy BG, Dwivedi A. PLOS ONE 2013; 8: e66246 Impact Factor: 3.2Click Here For More Details
- Evolution of instruments for harvest of the skin grafts. Faisal Ameer, Arun Kumar Singh, Sandeep Kumar. Ind Jr Plastic Surg 2013; 46 (1): 28-35Click Here For More Details
- Promoter region hypermethylation and mRNA expression of MGMT and p16 genes in tissue and blood samples of human premalignant oral lesions and oral squamous cell carcinoma. Vikram Bhatia, Madhu Mati Goel, Annu Makker, Shikha Tewari, Alka Yadu, Priyanka Shilpi, Kumar Sandeep, S P Agarwal, Sudhir Goel. BioMed Research International (accepted for publication 2014)Click Here For More Details
- Professor LE Hughes: a legend in academic surgery who contributed immensely to Indian Surgery. Hari Shankar Shukla, Sandeep Kumar, Anurag Srivastava. Indian J Surg 2014; 76 (3): 251-253Click Here For More Details
- MTHFR677C>T Polymorphism and the risk of breast cancer: Evidence from an original study and pooled data for 28031 cases and 31880 controls. Singh Pooja, Justin Carlus, Deepa Sekhar, Amirtharaj Francis, Nishi Gupta, Rituraj Konwar, Kumar Sandeep, Surender Kumar, Kumarasamy Thangaraj, Singh Rajinder. Plos One 2015, DOI 10.1371/journal.pone0120654 Impact Factor: 3.2Click Here For More Details
- Strong impact of TGF beta 1 Gene polymorphisms on breast cancer risk in Indian women: A case control and population based study. Singh Pooja, Amirtharaj Francis, Singh Rajinder, Rakesh Tamang, Raja Rajkumar, Karan Singh Saini, Kaling Megu, Madhumati Goel, Daminani Surekha, Digumarthi Raghunatha Rao, Lakshmi Rao, Lingadakai Ramachandra, Kumar Sandeep, Surender Kumar, Satti Vishnupriya, Kapaettu Satyamoorthy, Mahendra Pal Singh Negi, Kumarasamy Thangaraj, Rituraj Konwar. Plos One 2013; 8 (10): e75979 Impact Factor: 3.2Click Here For More Details
- Telemedicine for reach, education, access and treatment: Structural analysis of the pilot data. Sagar Khadanga, Anurag K Shukla, Akansha Mishra, Rahul Kumar, Zubi Rahat, Satyendra Mishra, Mayan Sharma, Neetesh Tiwari, Surya Bali, Kumar Sandeep. Astrocyte 2015;
- Fibroblast Growth Factor (FGF-2) and its Receptors FGFR-2 and FGFR-3 may be Putative Biomarkers of Malignant Transformation of Potentially Malignant Oral Lesions into Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma. Madumati Goel, Seema Agarwal, Annum Makker, Charul Bhatia, Saumya, Kumar Sandeep, SP Agarwal. Plos One. Accepted for publication PONE-D-15-17251R2Click Here For More Details
- Epidemiology of substance abuse in the population of Lucknow. Sumit Kumar, Divya Mehrotra, Shambhavi Mishra, MM Goel, Kumar Sandeep, Prashant Mathur, Kishore Choudhary, CM Pandey. Journal of Oral Biology and Craniofacial Research. 2015; 2:128-133Click Here For More Details
- Research Strategies for Practicing Surgeons. In: Roshan Lall Gupta, Ed. Recent Advances in Surgery III New Delhi; Jaypee Bros Med Pub 1992; 28: 363-375
- Aetiopathogenesis and Practical Management of Mastalgia In: Benign Breast Diseases, Ed HS Shukla. In press
- Blood Transfusion and artificial blood. Dubey PC, Kumar S and Srivastava A. In: ASI Text Book of Surgery. Tata McGraw – Hill Publishing Company Ltd, New Delhi
- Genetics and Surgeon. Patel H, Kumar S. In: ASI Text Book of Surgery. Tata McGraw – Hill Publishing Company Ltd, New Delhi
- Clinical Disagreement in Surgical Practice. In: Gupta Roshan Lall Ed. Recent Advances in Surgery Vol 4 1993
- An Introduction to Computers in Medicine. Kumar S, Misra RP. A comprehensive guide for the beginners and advanced age learners
- An Introduction to Biostatistics. Kumar S, Misra RP